10 BIOLOGICAL characteristics of the human being

1 year ago

the human being, a culture-bearing primate classified in the genus Homo, especially the species H. sapiens, has acquired characteristics through evolution that make it unique, standing out from the rest of living beings. Humans are anatomically similar to other animal species and are closely related to the great apes., but they are distinguished by a more developed brain and a capacity for speech or speech and abstract reasoning. Also, humans display a marked erection when moving from one place to another, freeing up the hands to use as manipulative limbs. However, some of these features are not unique to humans.

The gap in cognition, as in anatomy, between humans and the great apes (orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos) is much smaller than previously thought, as many ape species have been shown to possess a variety of advanced cognitive abilities previously thought to be restricted to humans. In this article we will see the biological characteristics of the human being as well as the social ones that make it unique.

biological characteristics of the human being

Traditionally, humans were considered the only recent representatives of the family Hominidae, but recent findings indicate that chimpanzees and bonobos are more closely related to humans than gorillas and orangutans and that the last common ancestor between chimpanzee and human lines lived between seven million and six million years ago. Thus, all the great apes are now reunited with humans in the Hominidae, and within that family humans and their extinct ancestors are considered to form the tribe Hominini. See also Homo sapiens; human evolution.

Biological characteristics of the human being

  1. walk vertically: The first humans climbed trees and walked on the ground. This flexibility helped them move in various habitats and cope with changing climates.
  2. He has the ability to make tools and produce his food.: Early humans slaughtered large animals at least 2.6 million years ago. At least 500,000 years ago, early humans made spears out of wood and used them to kill large animals.
  3. He has a body that characterizes him: As early humans spread to different environments, they developed body forms that helped them survive in hot and cold climates. Changing diets also led to changes in body shape.
  4. He has a brain and thinks: As early humans faced new environmental challenges and evolved larger bodies, they developed larger and more complex brains.
  5. Moves in a social life: Sharing food, babysitting, and building social networks helped our ancestors cope with the daily challenges of their environments.

  6. Can speak, uses Language and Symbols: From pigments to printing presses, symbols changed the way humans lived and provided new ways to deal with an unpredictable world.
  7. It reproduces: This is the means by which the species as a whole continues beyond the lifetime of a single individual. The process of human reproduction involves the exchange of information and genetic material.
  8. breathe: Respiration involves the intake of air from outside the body, the absorption of oxygen gas (O2) for use within the body, and the release of the waste product carbon dioxide (CO2) gas from the body.
  9. It grows: The term "growth" refers to the increase in a person's size during childhood, usually up to 18 years of age. It can be affected by lifestyle factors, such as a balanced diet, by genetic factors, e.g. Eg coming from a relatively "short" or "tall" family, and also because of certain hormonal conditions that affect growth/development.
  10. Has a secretion system: Examples of substances secreted by the human body include: Hormones and Sebum (from sebaceous glands), for example, ear wax.

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ENCICLOPEDIA DE CARACTERÍSTICAS (2024) 10 BIOLOGICAL characteristics of the human being, en 10caracteristicas.com. https://10caracteristicas.com/en/10-biological-characteristics-of-the-human-being/ (Consultado el: 10-09-2024)

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