10 characteristics of CROCODILES

2 years ago

Crocodiles are large, prehistoric-looking reptiles found in the warmer tropical regions of the world. The crocodile family consists of 23 species, 14 of which are commonly known as crocodiles. Crocodiles have been on this planet in some form for around 65 to 245 million years. These large reptiles are the ultimate predators, which is key to their continued success.

10 characteristics of crocodiles

  1. Variety of sizes. Crocodiles range in size from the African dwarf crocodile, which grows to over 6 feet, to the saltwater crocodile, which grows to over 20 feet in length. Crocodiles have large, broad bodies with short legs and long, muscular tails.
  2. Thick skin and bony scales. They have thick, leathery skin with bony, plate-like scales..
  3. Sharp teeth. All crocodile teeth are pointed, cone-shaped, and located on the outside of the jaws.
  4. elongated head. Crocodile heads are long and pointed with the eyes and nostrils located on the top of the head.
  5. They never stop growing. Crocodiles never stop growing; The older the animal, the larger it is, and some species live up to 75 years.

  6. they are cold blooded. Crocodiles are semi-aquatic reptiles and spend most of their time swimming. They are cold-blooded, like all reptiles, so they have to spend time on land warming themselves in the heat of the day. Crocodiles are found throughout the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia in warmer wetland regions. Their large bodies are generally more agile in the water where they use their powerful tails for propulsion.
  7. They are carnivores. Crocodiles are fully carnivorous and have the most potent stomach acid of any vertebrate animal, making them capable of digesting bone and shell. They will feed on any animal that they are large enough to tackle. In the case of saltwater crocodiles, this could be any animal. The smaller species are limited to smaller prey, and some specialize in animals such as turtles and shellfish. Crocodiles are ambush predators and often swim close to their prey while drinking from the river. The crocodile then uses its powerful tail to lunge forward so it can bite its prey, trapping it in powerful, toothy jaws.
  8. They are lonely. Crocodiles tend to be solitary animals, although they will sometimes work together while hunting. In areas with an abundance of prey, large crocodiles will congregate.
  9. they mate. For reproduction, males will mate with multiple females and will not form an exclusive bond with any individual.
  10. They lay eggs. When laying eggs, the females will dig a hole in the river bank or form a mound of damp vegetation, depending on the species' preference. The females will then protect the nests from danger until the eggs hatch. In some species, the female will help the young to hatch, and most will take their young to the water once they hatch. During the first year of life, the female will also tend to protect her young.


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ENCICLOPEDIA DE CARACTERÍSTICAS (2025) 10 characteristics of CROCODILES, en 10caracteristicas.com. https://10caracteristicas.com/en/10-characteristics-of-crocodiles/ (Consultado el: 18-01-2025)

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