10 characteristics of the planet EARTH

2 years ago

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth in the solar system in terms of size and mass.. Its most salient feature is that its near-surface environments are the only places in the universe that support life. It is designated with the symbol ♁. Earth's name in English, the international language of astronomy, derives from Old English and Germanic words for soil and earth, and is the only name for a planet in the solar system that does not come from Greco-Roman mythology. In this article we will see the most unstable characteristics of the planet Earth.

Since the Copernican revolution of the 16th century, when the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a model of the universe centered on the Sun, enlightened thinkers have considered the Earth as a planet like the others in the solar system. Simultaneous voyages at sea provided practical proof that the Earth is a globe, just as Galileo's use of his newly invented telescope in the early 17th century soon showed that other planets were globes, too. However, after the dawn Of The Space Age, When photographs of orbiting rockets and spacecraft captured the dramatic curvature of Earth's horizon, the conception of Earth as a roughly spherical planet rather than as a flat entity was verified by direct human observation. Humans first witnessed Earth as a full orbit floating in the inky blackness of space in December 1968, when Apollo 8 ferried astronauts around the Moon. Robotic space probes on their way to destinations beyond Earth, such as Galileo and the NEAR (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) spacecraft in the 1990s, also looked back with their cameras to provide other unique portraits of the planet.

characteristics of the planet EARTH

Characteristics of the planet EARTH

  1. It revolves around the Sun in an orbit: The Earth revolves around the Sun in a counterclockwise orbit, taking one year or approximately 365 days to make one revolution. The orbit is an ellipse, so the Sun is slightly off center. The average distance from the Sun is 149,597,890 kilometers (92,955,820 miles). This distance is so great that it takes approximately 8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun.
  2. rotates on its own axis: The Earth rotates on its axis in a counterclockwise motion, as seen from above the North Pole. It makes one revolution in 24 hours. Tilt affects the seasons. Earth's axis is also tilted relative to the Sun, causing the seasons to change. In summer the Earth is tilted so that the Sun falls more directly, while in winter the Sun appears lower on the horizon and the light appears at an angle of view. The Earth's tilt also makes summer days longer than nights. In winter, the days are shorter and there is less light to heat the ground.
  3. It has only one satellite: Earth has only one moon, while Mars has two moons and Jupiter has 9 moons.
  4. It is practically spherical in shape.: Just as the Sun and the Moon appear as spheres, so is the spherical shape of the Earth. To people on Earth, the planet appears to be generally flat (not counting hills and valleys), but in reality the Earth's surface has a slight curve. This can be noticed when looking out over a large lake or ocean and seeing a ship looming along the horizon.
  5. It has a great size: The diameter of the Earth at the equator is 12,756 km (7,926 miles), and its circumference or distance around the Earth at the equator is 40,075 km (24,901 miles).

  6. It has matter in all three states: The composition of the Earth consists of the solid and liquid portion and the atmosphere or gaseous portion.
  7. has gravity: Gravity is the force at a distance that pulls objects of mass together. The pull of Earth's gravity maintains our atmosphere, oceans, and everything else.
  8. has a magnetic field: The Earth is like a giant magnet with one magnetic pole near the North Pole and the opposite pole near the South Pole. The north pole of a magnet seeks the North Magnetic Pole. Throughout the ages, indications are that the poles have changed direction. No one is sure why this happened.
  9. It looks bright and bluish from space.: Viewed from another planet in the solar system, Earth would appear bright and bluish in color. The easiest to see through a large telescope would be its atmospheric features, primarily mid-latitude and tropical white cloud eddies, distributed in latitudinal belts around the planet. The polar regions would also appear brilliant white, due to clouds above and snow and ice below. Beneath the changing cloud patterns would appear the much darker deep blue oceans, punctuated by occasional woody patches of desert land. The verdant landscapes that support most of human life would not be easily seen from space. Not only do they make up a modest fraction of the land area, which itself is less than a third of the Earth's surface, but they are often obscured by clouds. Over the course of the seasons, some changes in storm patterns and cloud belts will be observed on Earth. Also prominent would be the growth and receding of the winter snow cap over land areas in the Northern Hemisphere.
  10. It is the only place that harbors intelligent life: Surely it is not the only place in the universe, or maybe it is, but so far it can be said that it is the only place discovered that has intelligent life.

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ENCICLOPEDIA DE CARACTERÍSTICAS (2025) 10 characteristics of the planet EARTH, en 10caracteristicas.com. https://10caracteristicas.com/en/10-characteristics-of-the-planet-earth/ (Consultado el: 22-02-2025)

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