10 characteristics of the GENERATION OF 27

1 year ago

The Spanish Generation of '27 is the last generation of authors before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, which would almost completely eliminate the cultural and literary life of Spain for its duration and most of the following dictatorship . This generation is also considered the best generation of poetry in Spanish literature, with incredible figures like Federico García Lorca or Rafael Alberti, and it is studied as such in most schools in Spain.

The tendency to balance is a very interesting aspect in the authors of the Spanish Generation of '27.

characteristics of the generation of 27

Characteristics of the generation of 27

  1. Balance between the intellectual and the sentimental: emotions tend to be restricted by the mind. They prefer intelligence, feeling and sensitivity to intellectualism and sentimentality.
  2. Balance between art for minorities and art for majorities: They alternate between hermeticism and clarity, the folkloric and the cult. There is a change from "I" to "we".
  3. Balance between the universal and the Spanish: there is a conflict between the European poetry of the time (surrealism) and Spanish poetry. They are attracted to Spanish folk poetry: the songbook, the ballads...
  4. Balance between a romantic or classical understanding of art: First thought art was created through inspiration and ecstasy, but the classical concept of art bases its creation on hard work, discipline and perfection.
  5. Balance between pure aesthetics and human authenticity: The first can be explained through the expression "art for art's sake", the art of human authenticity is concerned with social, economic and political problems and does not care so much. The beauty of art.

  6. Balance between tradition and renewal: they feel close to the avant-garde and the previous generation; They also admire the great poet of the 19th century, Bécquer; and feel a strong fervor towards the classics: Manrique, Garcilaso, San Juan, Fray Luis, Quevedo, Lope de Vega and, above all, Góngora.
  7. It was not a very homogeneous group, and are usually grouped in groups of two or three. For example, Rafael Alberti and Federico García Lorca, the neofloristas, were closer to the poetry of Gil Vicente y el Romancero, seeking folkloric sources for their works. Jorge Guillén and Pedro Salinas were both professors of Spanish philology and tended to stick together; His poetry is also similar in its optimistic outlook on life. In the surrealist group, the most important member is Vicente Aleixandre, of whom Cernuda, the other great Spanish surrealist poet, said that his verses "did not resemble anything else." However, other components of this Generation of '14 felt the impact of the surrealist movement and went through periods of it, such as Rafael Alberti, Federico García Lorca or José María Hinojosa.
  8. They did not reject previous movements and styles. Instead, they respected and admired them and the authors who developed them. Thanks to its synthesizing intention, the Generation of '27 is considered the richest and most admirable moment in all Spanish poetry.
  9. The members of the group were very connected to each other, but each of them developed their own style and identity. creative separately from the group. They were all famous writers in 1936, when the Spanish Civil War began, which ended Spain's most interesting political period and destroyed Spain's cultural life. Some, like García Lorca, were assassinated; Others like Miguel Hernández were imprisoned; and most of them went into exile.
  10. The Generation of 14 was a group of writers, most of them poets, born during the turn of the century. The name comes from the tribute they made for Luis de Góngora at the Ateneo de Sevilla in 1927 to celebrate the third centenary of his death, in which most of the authors who are part of the Generation of '27 participated.

Many do not agree to call them a generation because there is not exactly a common movement between them, but they do have similar characteristics. Most of them were born between 1892 and 1902 (except Miguel Hernández, born in 1901), and all studied at the University (again, except Hernández). They also have the same poet as a teacher: Juan Ramón Jiménez. But most decisive of all is that they all liked to work in groups and were also friends with each other.

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ENCICLOPEDIA DE CARACTERÍSTICAS (2024) 10 characteristics of the GENERATION OF 27, en 10caracteristicas.com. https://10caracteristicas.com/en/10-characteristics-of-the-generation-of-27/ (Consultado el: 10-09-2024)

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